Friday 30 November 2018

Week of November 30th

Hi Mom and Dad,

Our Hip Hop dance residency was this week!  We had an amazing time with our instructors and put on a great show for our audience. Sound Kreations did  a wonderful job.  Look for their link in the weekly  update!!

We continue to work on our literacy centres, creating story with stop motion, writing letters to others and making words.

We read the book My Many Coloured Days by Dr. Suess.   In the book it talked about colours representing our feelings.  After, we did some writing about how colours make them feel.

In Math centres, we continue to work on number sense, ordering numbers, playing race to 50 and other fun games!!

In science we are working on the colour wheel and created some cool mixing jars.  We added oil and water to 2 primary colours of our choice.  When we shake it it makes the secondary colour!  Ask me how we created the jars to get them to work and what colour I chose to make!   We also did a cool experiment that used plastic cups and paper towel.  Ask me to tell you about it!


Our Christmas concert is Thursday December 13th at 6:30.   The afternoon dress rehearsal will be at 1pm in the afternoon.   More information to follow later!

We are really improving at reading!!  Please continue to do your Home Reading every day!! As well as popcorn words.

Please start bringing in items for our Christmas Socks if you are able to paricipate!!  We appreciate it!!

Sunday 18 November 2018

Colours, Colours Everywhere!

Hi Mom and Dad!

We spent this week exploring Primary and Secondary colours.  Ask me which colours are which!!
Mixing colours was a favourite part of the week.  We got to paint our hands with primary colours and mix them with a friend!   We read the books Little Blue and Little Yellows, Harold and the Purple crayon and the Day the Crayons Quit!

Our blends of the week we learned were CH and TH!  Knowing these blends help us when spelling!  Did you know that TH can make 2 different sounds? Ask me what they are.

We finished our first round of literacy centres!! Working with groups and focusing on letter sounds and recognition have helped us in our reading and writing.  Our next round of centres will start this week!  We will be focusing on word work and guided reading.  

Math Night was a great success.  Thank you to all that came out to play and learn new math games.  All the games that were shown can easily be played at home!!  We showcased our Show Me and Number bingo games.  Ask me to explain them to you, they are part of our current math centres!

Friday was a fun day!!  We learned out to use stop motion animation with the ipads.  Using some plastecine, we focused on using small movements and taking pictures to make a small story.  We will start using this technology to tell stories in our literacy centres.  We had a lot of fun!!! 


Library day is on Mondays - please remember to bring your library book back to school to take out a new one!

Popcorn words are finally posted on the side bar of the blog.  Let us know if you need another sheet!

Thank you to all that have been bringing in their home reading regularly!  We love reading with the kids everyday and seeing how much they have progressed!  

Clubs will be this Thursday as we do not have school on Friday!!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Sunday 11 November 2018

Remembrance Day

Hi Mom and Dad,

This week we talk a lot about Remembrance Day and what it means to remember those that fought and kept the peace so that we are able to live in a peaceful country.   We read the Todd Parr book 'Peace is..." and "A Poppy is to Remember".    For our assembly on Friday, we created a wreath of poppies and wrote a message of peace on a paper poppy.  Our assembly on Friday was a wonderful way to end the week, reflecting on how others made sacrifices.

Letters Y, Q, X, Z, E and Blend 'SH'

We finished our letter work this week, finishing it off with the last vowel E!  We love being able to use our knowledge of letters sounds to spell small words and sometimes words up to 5 letters long!!!  After we finished the alphabet we started to work on letter blends starting with SH.  We will continue to explore more blends to help us in our reading and writing.

We started a new round of Math Centres this week!  This round we are focusing on number sense to 10.  Ask me what centre I did on Friday!


Parents,  it is very important that your child is practicing their popcorn words and doing their home reading daily.  Both activities help with their writing at school and allow them to explore new books and become more confident in themselves.  Please have your child bring their Home Reading books back to school every day, unlike kindergarten, in grade one we are reading and exchanging your child's book daily to give them exposure to different text.


Math night is Thursday November 15th from 6 -7 pm.  We will be showcasing many different games and ways to help your child with math concepts we are working on.  There will also be a bake sale run during this time.

There is school tomorrow Monday November 12.

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend :)

Friday 2 November 2018

Halloween extravaganza!!!

Happy weekend parents!!

I apologize for no blog last week!!!  Apparently the week got away from me!

This week was full of fun and frivolity!! 

We worked on the letters H, J, V and U!!  Were are getting close to the end and then will work on blends!!

We had fun writing about about our Halloween experiences, working with our pumpkins and using them in different math scenarios. 

Our math and literacy centres have been a hit!  We have been working so hard at becoming confident with letter sounds and popcorn words and working on patterns, sorting and number.  Stay tuned, some new centres will be coming shortly!

We ended our week talking about Remembrance Day.  This will be a large focus of our next week with our assembly happening on Friday.


Popcorn words went home at parent teachers.  If you have lost your list look to the side page of the blog for our  new words!!

Please continue with your home reading!  The more you practice at home and exchange your book when reading with the teacher the better you will get!! 

Happy Weekend!!