Thursday 28 March 2019

Spring break times

Hi Parents!!! 

Well it's better late than never, sorry for the late post!!

Our week before break was exciting!  Mr. Scout came to our room and taught us how to make Bannock.  We watched him mix the ingredients and we all got an opportunity to knead and make our own bannock piece.    When he fried them in oil, we were able to go watch and see how the bread changed! 

When it was done, we enjoyed some peppermint tea and our bannock.  We all tried our meals and loved experiencing something new!!

We started the season of Spring before we left!!  We had a great conversation about all the things we want to do now that the weather is changing!  As well as all the changes we will begin to see in nature!

We have really been working on our writing and set some new goals.  We wrote about what we would like to do on break and then spoke with the teachers about what things we could do to improve our writing and what things we wanted help with.

Things are going to get really busy when we get back from break!


Please let us know about where your family is from!  We sent a sheet home before break and want to know where all our families might have come from.  We have a big world map that we will pin our places too.

We will also start building our communities.  Please bring items that are needed in the email that was sent home!

Hope you are all enjoying your break!!  Sorry the post is late!

Saturday 9 March 2019

Artifacts, Art and Storytelling

Hi Parents!!

What a fun and exciting week we had.

Thank you to all of those that have brought artifacts from the past to share. We have explored old cameras and learned how film was used and how we just "couldn't see the picture" until it was developed.   We saw typewriters, phones - (did you know you used to have to turn a dial to make a phone call?) irons and even an Apple 2 computer!!!

As we continue to explore the past, we created a beautiful art project using plasticine!  We got to choose what kind of landscape we wanted to create.   They turned out beautifully!!

We were honoured to have Mr. Scout in our class this week to tell us the story of Napi and The Rock.  We learned how stories are passed on from generation to generation.  Ask me to tell you the story about how the rock in Okotoks got there!

We learned a reading strategy for when two vowels are together in a word.  "When two vowels go a walking, the first one does the talking and says its name."  Words such as  'soap', 'eat', 'ear', 'rain' ......
This strategy helps use to read these words properly because sounding each vowel out won't work!  Help me use it at home!

List #5 of my popcorn words came home last week!  Please help me practice them! 

We continue to work on subtraction in math and have been using various strategies to help support our learning.  Counting backwards, using fingers, manipulatives just to name a few.  Our math centres have helped reinforce our learning and helped us to use our strategies!


We are swimming next week!  Please make sure your child has a towel, bathing suit and other items they need.  We will not have time to shower and shampoo hair so please do not send any of those items.  Your child will need to be independent in dressing themselves and be responsible for their items.  We will have some parent volunteers to support.